Useful free apps for students
Useful free apps for students

General information on medical terminology, abbreviations, medical prefixes and suffixes, practice questions and more. Mini Nurse - Lite - Critics like this app because it is a convenient, quick reference made just for student nurses.Critics say it is ideal for patient instruction. Features more than 3,800 images of human anatomy and structure that allow for 3-D manipulation. This award-winning app is both beautiful and useful. Human Anatomy Atlas - 3-D Anatomical Model - So much for Gray’s Anatomy.Medscape - Sign up and obtain access to a website and an app that offers the latest medical news, FDA announcements, articles, continuing education courses and news from current conferences and more.Allows users to subscribe to nursing journals and search the entire MEDLINE/PubMed database. Includes a database of 5,000 drugs, 65,000 terms, hundreds of laboratory and diagnostic tests, and the latest disease information. Nursing Central - Find detailed information on diseases, tests, drugs and procedures.Helps users gain and share perspective on a variety of nursing topics from residency rounds to passing exams.


Code Happy: Nursing Support System - Offers a social network of peers for nurses and nursing students.Medical Surgical RN Companion - This mobile app covers 200 medical-surgical conditions and procedures, putting full- color illustrations, lab values, common formulas, and more at a nurse's fingertips.Med Mnemonics Flashcards - Provides a one-stop resource for medical mnemonics to help learners and practitioners remember important information.The basic version is free, but larger version costs $29.99. Some recommend this app as a supplement to Saunders NCLEX review book. NCLEX RN Mastery 2016 - Has more than 1,800 practice questions, quizzes, mnemonics and strategies.Makes it easy to build your own quizzes, analyze your strengths and weaknesses, and create new quizzes designed to improve your performance in specific areas. Davis Mobile NCLEX-RN App - Offers more than 1,500 questions that allow you to study anytime or anywhere.The following are some of the most helpful and useful apps for nursing students, as judged by nurses and students: Students who are active in online nursing programs say that the right apps can make a difference in confidence levels - both during coursework and on the job. Even as a student, it is important to choose apps that support your mission: to help gather and retain information and raise the quality of patient care. Researchers attribute this to several things, including using technology that does not properly their support workflow. Studies have shown that nurses spend significant amounts of time on activities outside of direct patient care. How and Why to Choose an App for Nursing Students However, the number of mobile apps for nursing students can seem overwhelming, and it may be difficult to choose which are best to assist you during the pursuit of your education and career. Smart phones and other mobile devices increase and improve access to these types of materials. Today’s nursing students are responsible for volumes of knowledge, and fortunately, technology has made it possible to find and use that information without lugging around a library’s worth of medical texts.

Useful free apps for students