She feels someone or something approaching. She is shocked that she feels muffled as a rain of bitter tears shower her face. Thiosa wants to cry, wail and scream but she can't. She is tied up in chains and as she lifts her gaze, she sees her mother as a zombie gnaws and feasts upon her flesh as it bites through and against her ribcage seemingly devouring flesh and bones indiscriminately. Her vision is hazy, she looks around and she finds herself in some cave dimly lit by a torch or two. Thiosa awakens to clinking of breaking bones, monstrous growls and groans and perhaps.eating sounds? The girl is about to scream "Noo-" but she feels something heavy slamming the back of her head and collapses. One of the horrors charged swiftly towards Thiosa and as it was about to stab the girl, the mother ran quickly to her side and took the hit for her. They fought back to back trying their best to fend off the undead. The mother had nothing but a short sword and the daughter was armed only with a small rusty dagger. On their way to the shrine, they were attacked and overwhelmed by a small yet formidable army of frenzied undead. Their next task had led them to Skyrim where they were supposed to head to the shrine of Peryite there to receive further orders. Finally, the mother while still worried about her daughter, agreed to let Thiosa join her circle and helping her out with the tasks.

After a long argument, Thiosa insisted to help her and that she shouldn't leave her alone in this. Her mother justifies her keeping all this a secret was to protect Thiosa specially that the missions Peryite tasked her with were dangerous sometimes and as much as she loved that she'd join her in faith, she loved her so much she didn't want to end up risking her life for the cause. Thiosa later discovers her mother is a follower Peryite and that explains why they were always on the move and why she left her alone on several occasions saying she was "working" but never accepted Thiosa's help with her work whenever she offered. Her father had disappeared by then under mysterious circumstances and Thiosa never met nor saw him nor did she know much about him thanks to her mother always refusing to talk about the matter or changing the subject whenever her daughter asked about her dad. Thiosa, a golden haired Breton girl, was raised by only her mother since she was born. A strong tanker and smiter of all forms of undead with several build/class development choices (Vanguard of light, Bane of the undead, Sun Occultist or Undead Slayer) Character Lore/backstory: However, this paladin is in service of a daedra, Meridia to be more specific. If you ever wanted to play a holy paladin/priestess of light type of character, this might fit the bill.