However, when I go to 'format Axis' and expand 'Axis Options' it does not offer the 3 choices of Automatic, Text or Date. Step3: if you want to hide all chart axes, just uncheck the Axes check box. Excel 2016 - Format Axis - Axis Options does not give the option to change axis type I am trying to create a basic scatter chart with the horizontal axis being a date range.
Step2: select Chart Elements button on the Chart Tools, and click the plus sign(+), and the Chart Elements menu will appear. Step1: select a blank area of your chart, then the Chart Tools will be displayed on the right side of the chart. If you want to hide one or more axes in your excel chart in your current worksheet, and just do the following steps: The secondary vertical axis shows the values for the associated data series, and it works well in a chart that show a combination of column and line charts. In addition to vertical and horizontal axes, there is another axis called 3-D chart Axes, and also called the secondary vertical axis or depth axis, and it will plot data along the third dimension of a chart. Most of Chart types have two axes: vertical axis and horizontal axis. Having an axis is common on scatter diagrams or X-Y Charts, bar charts and others. The Y axis is sometimes known as the value axis. The X access is horizontal and so it goes across a chart. Excel stores time as a fraction of a day and 1 hour is 1/24 0.041667, and Excel will just round this to 0. The Y axis is the vertical access, in other words the one that goes up and down. Heres the problem: in the setting for Min, Max, Major, Minor, Excel expect simple numbers like 0, 10, 0.5. Each axis is a line on a chart that together define its structure and which the data plotted on the graph is measured against.