EE2 fixes the graphics but keeps the terrible flight model. Arneh's wheel suspension is notable, though. The flight model is terrible on it, possibly worse than on the original release, and the terrain is a spoofed 2D format that can't do stereo. Shallow but inoffensive modern AC/AH flight model.Īnd then EECH is waaay down on the list, in spite of all their avionics and eye candy mods. Fun if you have a lot of time to blow and you don't mind CTDs and losing your game. LB2 is too glitchy on modern systems and the rockets don't work right. Dumbed down and miniaturized version of everything, but doesn't do anything terribly wrong. strange channel damping characteristics and quirky yaw, but best flight model for a combat helo sim.Ĭomanche Gold. Don't have it, but haven't heard anything bad about it.Īnd Janes FA-18 still has what it takes and might eventually get 32bit color support.ĭCS Blackshark 2. Flight model that is among the best.ĭCS A-10. Flaming Cliffs is cool, but never really holds my attention as much as the study sims.įalcon BMS. I don't run it quite as often as I used to, but that's worth checking out, as well. Really good site ! Nice an civilized discussion and excellent reviews.
A AAA PC space sim with dogfighting that is being entirely funded by crowdsourcing!

Warthunder is fun but light hearted, not a serious sim as such but a good fun plane based shooter! Michael Murchie (author) from Parts Unknown on January 27, 2014: Any help here will be much appreciated and to me, online combat is very important, going back to fighting AI just won't cut it for me. I am happy with WT but I do feel that there's something missing and that they may be a bit off when it comes to realism, like you just said. I am looking for any (real) flying sim with a great online experience, be that airplanes from today or the WW2 era. Try out this one guys, im sure that you you will not be disappointed. Deffinantly the best sim I have ever owned.Ĭliffs of dover WWII with the new team fusion mod.brillant I would guess that I have about 400 fly able aircraft.
The modding community is great, and it's free multiplayer. I have both flaming cliffs 2 and il2 1946, but if I had to pick, it would be 1946 for sure.
Unlike Rise of Flight, OFF got the WW1 air war story line right historically plus great planes and scenery. How come OFF (Over Flanders Fields) was left out. Assuredly though, it is on my to do list :) Michael Murchie (author) from Parts Unknown on June 27, sorry to have missed a favourite out! It was simply down to not having played it myself, therefore I didn't think it was right to have an opinion on it. I am surpriced that you didn't mention War Thunder? easily the best Flying Sim ever!
Combat pilots learn to fly first.I bet a full 95 out of 100 of you reading this won't get in the air your first honest try, for it is a simulation first and a combat simulator second.Wonderful support from the community and many squads to join in and fly like it was done in 1940 no icons no moving maps wind turbulence all the effects and beautiful to fly and when you think your ready put on your big girl pants and come get some in the axis vs allies server ::S:: I am not a salesman but it is $10 and there is no jump into instant action you must spend time just learning to get a plane in the air. I got shot down 25 minutes into a mission and now I have to start again." Unless of course, you want it to be, in which case, go for the simulator setting!Īndreas and those of you interested in a real simulation PC driven only true physics true hit boxes and damage modeling air combat simulator, then look no further than Cliffs of Dover.

You also get a number of planes to crash and burn with and get shot down in. There are a couple of other settings, so you can tinker with it and get the set up just right for your experience. It also doesn't punish you with blackouts or redouts. It has an "Arcade" mode, which gives you unlimited ammo, which makes it easier to shoot stuff. This means that you get the pick of the best planes the Allies had throughout the war. The campaign takes you from the White Cliffs of Dover to the Mediterranean, into Russia, and then through the invasion of Germany. In terms of the plans you can fly, there are the usual suspects, and some slightly more unusual ones as well. This is the PC version of IL-2 Sturmovik "Birds of Prey." Planes You Can Fly in Wings of Prey

Wings of Prey is a flight simulator set in various theaters in World War II.